Clinique Juridique de Montpellier Logo

Partnership area

Become a partner

You are an association, a professional, a school, a public body and you wish to establish a partnership with us?

We would be delighted to collaborate with you, the Clinique Juridique de Montpellier can consider :

  • The organization of joint events.
  • The possibility to benefit from legal training in foreign languages by our clinicians.
  • If you are a non-profit and apolitical association: you can have a specific system set up for all your legal requests. 
  • If you are looking for trainees, we can offer your internships to our clinicians.Our clinicians are operational and autonomous.

You're a foreign legal clinic?

We would be very pleased to work with you. 

  • We can set up an exchange program between your clinic and ours:
  • Exchanges relating to the organization of our respective legal clinics.
  • Possibility to welcome your clinicians in Montpellier.
  • Possibility to send our clinicians to your Legal Clinic.
  • Organisation of joint events.

Our partners
