Clinique Juridique de Montpellier Logo

14 rue Cardinal de Cabrières

34060 Montpellier

CIAM - Concours International d’Arbitrage Francophone de Montpellier Serge Lazareff


The Montpellier International French-speaking Arbitration Competition is the first arbitration competition organized in France on the model of the American “training moots”, but in French language.

The objective of this competition is to propose a simulation of an arbitration dispute in conditions close to reality, to present a reflection and arguments to an adversary, as well as to plead his case before a jury of arbitrators and academics, constituted as an arbitral court. The objective is to prepare students for the particularities of Business Law arbitration procedures.

It is also an opportunity for the participants to understand the difficulties of managing a case over the long term and to face a direct adversary with whom they exchange their conclusions.

Since 2019, the Montpellier Legal Clinic has been presenting several of its clinicians at the International French-speaking Arbitration Competition of Montpellier every year.
